Left Bank Books

Author Nick Bruel Brings “Bad Kitty” to St. Louis for a Special Reading

When I told my seven-year-old I was going to be talking with children’s author Nick Bruel, she squealed like Shawn Mendes just walked in the room with a giant bag of Twizzlers. As a child who struggles with reading issues, my little one was taken in by Bruel’s slightly sarcastic, always funny Bad Kitty books. 

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Celebrity Storytime: The Case of the Missing Carrot Cake

Author Deborah Zemke will read from her new book, The Case of the Missing Carrot Cake during this free story time at Left Bank Books. In the story, when food goes missing on Ed's farm, Detectives Wilcox and Griswold do what it take to track down the thieves. In this case, Miss Rabbit's carrot cake has disappeared. Has it been stolen? Eaten? Or both? And who did it?

10:30 a.m. at Left Bank Books in the Central West End. Free.

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The List, Some Nerds, and An Awesome Giveaway

Like most married couples I know, my husband and I have a celebrity “list.”

You know, that special list of celebrities where, if the opportunity arises, we can totally blow off dinner plans and dump the kids on the other to go to a book signing. No questions asked.

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5 Questions For the Bloggess

A pet raccoon with a hand-washing obsession. A giant metal chicken with a filthy mouth. A homicidal monkey with mange. If you have a crush on any of these characters, you might just be a fan of writer and mom Jenny Lawson, known to the world as The Bloggess.

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Teen Author & YouTube Sensation Headed to St. Louis for Book Signing

Just a little over a year ago, Zach Wahls stood before the Iowa House Judiciary Committee, introducing legislators to his family, which includes his two moms, Terry and Jackie. Through his three-minute, heartfelt testimony against a proposed amendment which would reverse the right of gay couples to marry in Iowa, the 19-year-old honored his parents’ commitment, became an icon in the fight for equality, and changed how people define the word “family.”

Wahls' testimony quickly became an Internet sensation, with more than 16 million views on YouTube. While his speech touched millions, it particularly resonated with children of same-sex parents whose message of tolerance was now broadcast worldwide.

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7 Ways to Celebrate Children's Book Week in St. Louis

This week marks the beginning of our country’s longest-running literacy program, Children’s Book Week. It is an annual celebration with a simple and powerful message: Books change lives, so let’s share them with our kids. Started in 1919 by the librarian of the Boy Scouts, who sought to improve the standards of children’s books, Children's Book Week is now administered by Every Child a Reader.

Children’s books hold a particularly special place in our culture. In fact, I probably enjoy them more than most of the adult books I read. They are deceptively simple, and the memorable ones tickle our imagination. They are full of the play and discovery characteristic not just of being a child but, well, of being human. And the element of illustration adds a whole other dimension to storytelling.

Here are some activities you can do with your child to celebrate this week.

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Things to Do

Water Waddlers Indoor Drop-In Swim

Stop in and have some fun in the indoor pool at the Lodge of Des Peres with your little one at this drop-in swim time for kids up to age 6. No pre-registration is needed; Water Waddlers is open to residents and non-residents of Des Peres.

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Music & Movement

Explore songs, finger plays, music and more during this Music & Movement class for ages 0-6. Some sessions are held in person at various branches of the St. Louis County Library. Some sessions are virtual. 



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Why Summer Camp is Great for . . . Parents

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Want Your Kids to Learn? Teach Them It’s Okay to Make Mistakes

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Life Lessons Learned at Overnight Camp

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