Get Creative, Get Slimy, Get Going to The Magic House

This fall the Magic House is overflowing with fun activities for kids of all ages. You can pet a turtle, hold a lizard, sell your old toys at the Kids' Flea Market, or invent a new one out of cardboard. There's also an exciting new traveling exhibit to introduce your kids to the oldest of all games, chess. Here's when to catch the fun:

Squirmy, Slimy, Scaly, Slithery Creatures Kids Love

September 17, 10 a.m.2 p.m. Free with regular admission.

The Magic House has invited several animal groups to share their love of not-so-cuddly creatures with your kids. If you ever wanted to pet a reptile, this is your chance! There will be lizards, snakes, birds of prey, bugs and spiders brought in by the Saint Louis Zoo, The World Bird Sanctuary, The Butterfly House and more. Serengeti Steve and his mobile reptile zoo will do a presentation with plenty of audience participation. 

Squirmy, Slimy, Scaly, Slithery Creatures Kids Love is free with regular admission.


Kids' Flea Market

September 25, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. No admission for shoppers. Reserve a booth ($15) if you want to sell.

Do you have a budding entrepreneur at home? The Magic House is inviting kids 16 and younger to set up shop at the 34th Annual Kid's Flea Market. Kids can sell handmade crafts, outgrown toys, books and games at the market and learn valuable business skills while cleaning out their rooms.

The Kids' Flea Market is an outdoor event that will be held rain or shine. 


Big Truck Day

October 12, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each day.

Do you have a little one with a big obsession for all things on wheels? Big Truck Day is for you! The Magic House has invited tons of trucks to its weekend backyard party. Get a close-up look and sit behind the wheel of some amazing trucks, like a cement mixer, a crane and a fire truck.

Big Truck Day is $18 per person for non-members and $12 per person for members. Your ticket includes a picnic lunch, a construction hat to decorate and admission to the Magic House. Space is limited, so reservations are suggested.


Cardboard Challenge and Creation Showcase

Challenge: All September long. Showcase: October 8, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Get your kids to think outside the box with a special Cardboard Creation Challenge going on all September in the Magic House Make-It Workshop. The workshop is stocked with cardboard, tools and accessories for kids to create anything they can dream up. The Challenge is inspired by Caine's Arcade and the Imagination Foundation. Kids can take their creations home or leave them on display at the Magic House.

On October 8 the museum will hold a showcase of cardboard wonders crafted by kids. Kids who enter the showcase will receive free admission to the Magic House for themselves and one adult. Crafters are asked to hang out with their cardboard creation for a while and demonstrate it for visitors.

The Cardboard Creation Showcase is limited to 100 kid inventors, so reserve your space now by calling the Magic House at 314-822-8900. Viewing the Showcase is free with admission.


Kings, Queens and Castles

October 1, 2016 – January 2, 2017. Open daily during regular hours. 

Take your kids inside a game of chess at this special exhibit designed by the Magic House and St. Louis' own World Chess Hall of Fame. Kids can learn about chess on a life-sized board, or become the pieces by crafting their own fanciful crowns. They can explore a medieval castle with turret slides, build castle walls with giant interlocking bricks or play a game of chess with a friend while sitting on child-sized thrones.The exhibit is designed for kids 3 to 11 and hopes to pique their interest in learning to play the world's oldest game, chess.

Kings, Queens and Castles is included with admission. 

Those looking to gain experience with tournament play can enter the Kids' Beginner Chess Tournament taking place Sept. 30 for players in grades 1-8. Participants will play in up to four rounds, 15 minutes per side, using a chess clock. Players should know how to play the game of chess, including how to check and checkmate as well as when to call a draw. Find out more about the Kids' Beginner Chess Tournament and how to register here.
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Water Waddlers Indoor Drop-In Swim

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Animals Aglow at the Saint Louis Zoo
Thursday, March 13, 2025
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