There are so many cherished memories that can only be cultivated on a farm. Where a child can unglue his fingers from his iPhone to bury them in the soft fur of a bunny. To feel the rush of wind from a push on a tire swing. Instead of sending tweets, to hear them come from the beak of a newborn chick.
For our family, our favorite spot to break free from the reins of technology is Willoughby Heritage Farm in Collinsville, a free place to run, learn and play.
At Willoughby, kids can go back to a simpler way of life while imbedding themselves in the agricultural history of the St. Louis region. And there’s no better time to step back in time than at Willoughby’s 10th annual Spring Farm Day on May 9 – a day filled with music, children’s activities and educational programming to honor the region’s farming roots and celebrate the return of the season.
The Spring Farm Day began in 2005 as a way to introduce the community to a piece of history in their own backyard. The 10-acre Willoughby family farm was purchased by the Collinsville Area Recreation District in 2002 and has been lovingly restored by dedicated volunteers to introduce guests to farm living in the 1920’s through 1950’s. In addition, 30 acres of native woodland was purchased through a grant from Illinois Department of Natural Resources to create a protected conservation reserve and provide guests with three miles of peaceful hiking trails.
Remarked Carol Frerker, farm supervisor, “Willoughby is truly a place where all generations can bond. Grandparents can revisit memories of their past and share stories with their kids. Kids get the opportunity to walk in the woods and experience a bit of farm life right in their own backyards.”
As Willoughby has expanded with a kid’s play area, replica gardens and renovated barns, its Spring Farm Day event has grown along with it.
For one fun-filled day, the serene farm setting bursts with exciting activities for every member of the family. Its resident rabbits, fowl, goats, and pigs will welcome a calf and llama who will stop by to greet guests. Kids can grab a seat on a tractor-pulled animal train or atop a hayride for a tour around the property before they take part in a variety of children’s arts and crafts activities, including a demonstration from Home Depot.
Grab some BBQ or kettle korn and sit back to enjoy bluegrass and dulcimer music or get your education on with conservation and agricultural programming from the Treehouse Wildlife Center and the Madison County Farm Bureau CAREE program. Local craftspeople will showcase their wool spinning and woodworking skills, and its craft fair is the perfect shopping destination for handcrafted jewelry, art and home décor so you can bring the spirit of the day home with you.
“The Spring Farm Day is really a chance for kids to connect with the nature around them,” said Frerker. “They can get out in the fresh air and appreciate the outdoors, whether they climb on our playground, walk the trails or simply sit on the benches and listen to the music. We want them to know Willoughby is theirs, and they can enjoy it whenever and however they want.”
The Spring Farm Day will be held at Willoughby Heritage Farm, 631 Willoughby Lane in Collinsville from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 8. Prices are $2 per person, with a maximum of $10 per family. Kids age two and under are free. For more information, visit collinsvillerec.com/willoughbyfarm or call 618-346-7529.
Metro East mom Nicole Plegge has written for STL Parent for more than 12 years. Besides working as a freelance writer & public relations specialist, and raising two daughters and a husband, Nicole's greatest achievements are finding her misplaced car keys each day and managing to leave the house in a stain-free shirt. Her biggest regret is never being accepted to the Eastland School for Girls. Follow Nicole on Twitter @STLWriterinIL
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