Who's that hooting it up each evening? It's the owls! Learn what makes owls such effective night time hunters and why they hoot so much in winter.
Are snakes really slimy? How do they move, smell, hear and catch food? Little ones (ages 4-6) can learn about snakes and observe live snakes found in Missouri. They'll even be able to touch a snake if they want to,.
Come prepared to take a short hike to see if any snakes can be observed in their natural habitat. For ages 4-6 with a parent or caregiver.
9:30-11 a.m. Free. At August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area. For reservations, call 636-441-4554.
Spring brings with it warm weather, birds singing, flowers blooming and bees buzzing. Spend the first official day of Spring outside and take in the sights and sounds that nature offers at this free program for all ages.
Come hand out with the fireflies and experience a natural light show at Firefly Night! Reservations are required.
Did your child’s school miss out on a Maple Sugar School Field Trip? No problem. Learn the history of maple sugaring, visit the sugar bush to collect sap, and learn to boil it down into syrup. Dress for the weather as the entire program is outdoors and part of the trail is not stroller accessible.
Free. 4-5:30 p.m. at Rockwoods Reservation in Wildwood.
More information and reservations: www.mdc.mo.gov
Why are some squirrels gray? What do they eat? How do they climb trees? Preschoolers (ages 3 to 6), will learn about squirrels, through listening to stories, playing games and making a craft. Then, they'll go on an outdoor acorn hunt.
9:30 to 11 a.m. At Rockwoods Reservation. For reservations, call 636-458-2236.
More information: mdc.mo.gov
Beavers are always busy, it seems. They are very industrious and seem to never stop cutting down trees and building all kinds of neat stuff. Beavers are by far the largest rodents in North America, and a main reason that St. Louis was established here 250 years ago.
Kids ages 6-12 can learn more about the beaver, conservation efforts for them and why they are thriving in Missouri.
9:30-11 a.m. Free, but reservations are required.
At August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area.
Tiny Trekkers is a weekly nature-based program for preschoolers (ages 3-5) at the Nature Institute. Preschoolers explore the nearly 500 acres of preserves through hands-on experiences out in nature. Kids stomp through creeks, use nets to catch and observe insects, taste edible plants, and learn about the natural world.
Read to a friendly therapy dog from DUO Dogs, Inc. After the story, the dog's handler will answer any questions kids have about therapy dogs, pet care and more. For ages 3-11. Registration is required for this free program.
Join in on First Art, a free art program for toddlers where the focus is on the process of making art rather than the finished product. Dress to get messy!
Open Gym at Miss Kelly's Gym is an opportunity for any child to have supervised free play in the gym. They can work on existing skills, try something new, or simply play around. It is completely up to them! Open Gym is open to both members and non-members ages 12 and under.
Visit the James S. McDonnell Planetarium in Forest Park and see a star show to experience the largest artificial sky in the Western Hemisphere. Star shows are lead LIVE by one of the Planetarium's educators, creating a new and tailored experience for every audience.